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Follow Friday is a twitter tag that is used to call attention to followers that they should check out and follow the people you are highlighting or recommending. Tagging a tweet with #followfriday will allow it to be searched for and everyone who tags the same way can follow their own specific tweets and form a group conversation.

Once engaged in a group if you want to call attention to an article, post or tweet you can simply Re-tweet something and add #followfriday to bring everyone's attention to it.
Often when I do my Random Twitter poetry game, on Friday to get more participants to send me words I will tag my call for random words with FollowFriday so more people will play the game and see the poem that I have crafted based on random twitter words. It also allows people to see what the most popular discussions are taking place on a Friday, which is typically a less busy work day so more people spend time chatting on twitter than on other week days.

Twitter is a rapidly growing social networking kind of site that allows users to post Tweets' of 140 characters or less for all their followers. Tweets can be messages, links, random thoughts, questions, really whatever you'd like to share with the Twitterverse.

If you are already on Twitter you'll want to maximize your experience and social networking abilities on the site by taking advantage of the many programs, sites, and concepts that have sprung up around the Twitter craze.

#FollowFriday is one of those concepts that has taken off like wildfire on Twitter. It can be best be explained as being an effective way to promote friends and followers on Twitter to the hundreds of thousands Twitterers out there.

Basically every friday on Twitter, thousands will take part in this and promote the usernames of followers they recommend to the community to follow back. You follow people and accounts you like and people choose to follow you.

You may be wondering why the # sign is in front of FollowFriday. The hash symbol is a big part of Twitter and indicates that the words directly after it are a tag'. This allows sites to track the tagged' words and those following the sites or Twitter accounts linked to the site will see any messages or tweets with the same tag.

How do you participate after you've started following the above profile?

On Fridays, take the usernames of any users that you want to promote for others to follow. Place the @ symbol before each username and a space after each username. Place #Followfriday at the beginning or end of the string of usernames. Do this in your What are you doing?' input box and hit update when you are ready.

All your followers and anyone checking the Everyone updates page will see and be able to click on every username you are promoting. Plus with the use of the # symbol to tag your post, everyone following the FollowFriday tag will be able to see the usernames you are promoting.

You can also use various applications and sites to make your FollowFridays even more fun and effective. I use The Twitter Tag Project at: http://thetwittertagproject.co m/followfriday.php to generate my followfriday recommendations to promote my followers quickly and easily.

Build your number of followers while promoting other Twitter users and you'll enhance the Twitter experience for you and the community on the site.

Many people feel that FollowFriday is exclusive and excludes people, but you can choose to participate anytime merely by tagging one of your tweets you wish to share. Follow Friday is one of many ways to try and draw in a reading crowd to get more people to notice what you are saying and bring people to draw attention to the tweets they wish to stand out more than others.\
Many people new to Twitter can use #FollowFriday to find out who some of the most active and highly recommended people are to follow, and for people more experienced they can recommend new and upcoming twitter members who are showing very active in the community to help get them a boost in followers.
Courtecy: Various sources

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