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It is already a big talk among Indian media, about the twitter appearance of Shashi Tharoor. He recently crossed the one million followers in twitter, probably the first Indian celebrity to cross the milestone. His popularity on Twitter has been such that even Priyanka Chopra's followers count pales in comparison to the one lakh Tharoor has acquired.
A perfect socializer as he is, Tharoor even tweets from the car between events. His tweets reflect the earnest human being in him, who uses his wit and wisdom to say things that make people think. Be it advocating ideas or giving his take on certain issues, Tharoor has always been a pro-active twitterer. He himself admits "only writing I can find time for these days is tweeting". Shashi Tharoor truly does deserve 100,000 followers on Twitter and more.
Starting from sharing the timeline of his hectic schedule, to voicing his own introspection on myriad range of topics, Tharoor expresses it all on Twitter. He has been updating his status consistently ever since he joined the Twitter fraternity in March 2009, and he makes sure he responds to his followers answering their voluminous queries.
It is more than interesting to go through his tweets as they are a blend of intellect and subtle humour. One of his tweets read like this: "If mosquitoes had a vote I'd win every election in Kochi! Another near-sleepless night in this otherwise lovely city." When it comes to give his own opinion he does not shirk away either. He says, "I will not practice or condone corruption, but fighting it is not my principal job" in reply to a query of one of his 1,00,000 followers on Twitter.
Shashi Tharoor's 1lakh followers on Twitter reflect the bond he shares with Indians and his sheer commitment towards the twitterratti. He does not tweet with any other purpose than to inform and be in touch with his fellow people, as he himself said, "I just try to be myself and am glad so many are interested." If Shashi Tharoor ever decides to become a prime ministerial candidate for India, he'd be doing what Barack Obama did on Twitter and maybe even better.
See his profile in twitter, www.twitter.com/shashitharoor

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