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Wow,,, The title seems to be so interesting, right? How eager the people are to see the dying moment of a celebrity.?! There is a question. Is Jade Goody the victim of media papparassi? She herself came into the public with her cancer and dying body. But the media was really celebrating this, and you too jumped to this page with an eagerness to see the dying moments of a cancer patient, only because she is a celebrity.

It may be for the first time in the world, a women and cancer captures headlines for a long days, She passed away peacefully, But questions remaining. Read the below lines...
I don’t know which aspect of Jade Goody’s hopeless-seeming battle with cancer is most depressing. The reality television star appeared in the third series of Big Brother, in 2002, and endeared herself to the nation by being big-hearted, guileless and incredibly stupid; fame secured, she then went back onto Celebrity Big Brother in 2007. It all went horribly wrong – she was pilloried as a racist bully who insulted Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty, caused a national outcry and was sent home in disgrace.
The giddiness and lack of self-editing, which had seemed so funny and endearing a few years before, now seemed vile. No allowances were made for the fact that Goody, who is mixed race, was the first underclass television celebrity. Her father was an addict and a criminal; he served time for robbery and died of an overdose aged 42. Her mother is a one-armed lesbian who used to be addicted to crack; Jade has spoken about mothering her own mother when she was little.
Jade’s childhood was tough, let’s say. So her failure to behave as though fresh out of charm school should hardly have come as the world’s greatest surprise. But the tranche of society to which she held up a mirror only wanted to see itself – and its aspirations – reflected positively. Jade Take 1 did this brilliantly: she showed them that anyone could be famous and rich and on telly, regardless of intelligence, opportunity, class, race or background. She was a survivor and she was from a dump. The public loved her for it.
But when Jade Take 2 came along in 2007 she showed another side, on camera, in real time and live from the dung-heap: prejudice and ignorance, kneejerk name-calling, lumpen gracelessness, inarticulate rage permanently just below the surface. People began to hate her – really hate her. Today, several websites are devoted to her illness and gleefully anticipate her demise; one is called When Will Jade Goody Die? A satirical website wonders whether Goody will be the first “chav saint”.
The lucrative contracts and television series she had secured fell away; she gave contrite but uncomprehending interviews, weeping face swollen, unable to grasp that we only wanted her to “be herself” up to a particular, manageable, not-revolting point. Her private life was a mess. She separated from the father of her two young sons and took up with Jack Tweedy, a shifty type who didn’t inspire confidence. (Tweedy has recently been let out of jail, having served a sentence for GBH.) And then, hoping to make amends, she agreed to go on India’s version of Big Brother to show that she wasn’t really a racist bully. During filming she was told – on camera, at her insistence – that she had cervical cancer. Goody is so loathed that internet rumours instantly started circulating about how this was a publicity stunt.
It wasn’t. Following chemotherapy, radiotherapy and a radical hysterectomy, last week Max Clifford, Jade’s publicist, confirmed that the cancer had spread to her liver, bowel and groin. The treatment has left her bald. Her hopes of survival are slight. She remains vocal about the minutiae of her life and keen to express herself via newspaper and television interviews, for which she is paid. These are almost unbearable to watch, read or listen to: whatever you may think of her, the fact remains that Goody is a young woman of 27, with two small children, who probably doesn’t have long to live.
The giddiness and lack of self-editing, which had seemed so funny and endearing a few years before, now seemed vile. No allowances were made for the fact that Goody, who is mixed race, was the first underclass television celebrity. Her father was an addict and a criminal; he served time for robbery and died of an overdose aged 42. Her mother is a one-armed lesbian who used to be addicted to crack; Jade has spoken about mothering her own mother when she was little.
Jade’s childhood was tough, let’s say. So her failure to behave as though fresh out of charm school should hardly have come as the world’s greatest surprise. But the tranche of society to which she held up a mirror only wanted to see itself – and its aspirations – reflected positively. Jade Take 1 did this brilliantly: she showed them that anyone could be famous and rich and on telly, regardless of intelligence, opportunity, class, race or background. She was a survivor and she was from a dump. The public loved her for it.
But when Jade Take 2 came along in 2007 she showed another side, on camera, in real time and live from the dung-heap: prejudice and ignorance, kneejerk name-calling, lumpen gracelessness, inarticulate rage permanently just below the surface. People began to hate her – really hate her. Today, several websites are devoted to her illness and gleefully anticipate her demise; one is called When Will Jade Goody Die? A satirical website wonders whether Goody will be the first “chav saint”.
The lucrative contracts and television series she had secured fell away; she gave contrite but uncomprehending interviews, weeping face swollen, unable to grasp that we only wanted her to “be herself” up to a particular, manageable, not-revolting point. Her private life was a mess. She separated from the father of her two young sons and took up with Jack Tweedy, a shifty type who didn’t inspire confidence. (Tweedy has recently been let out of jail, having served a sentence for GBH.) And then, hoping to make amends, she agreed to go on India’s version of Big Brother to show that she wasn’t really a racist bully. During filming she was told – on camera, at her insistence – that she had cervical cancer. Goody is so loathed that internet rumours instantly started circulating about how this was a publicity stunt.
It wasn’t. Following chemotherapy, radiotherapy and a radical hysterectomy, last week Max Clifford, Jade’s publicist, confirmed that the cancer had spread to her liver, bowel and groin. The treatment has left her bald. Her hopes of survival are slight. She remains vocal about the minutiae of her life and keen to express herself via newspaper and television interviews, for which she is paid. These are almost unbearable to watch, read or listen to: whatever you may think of her, the fact remains that Goody is a young woman of 27, with two small children, who probably doesn’t have long to live.
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